

    Linus E 3 Reviews

    a year ago

    The OG oats milk brand. I love the branding, the storytelling, and the constant innovation from Oatly. Not just their drinks products but their "yogurts" too. I feel that they could work on making their products more accessible, because clearly there is room to lower prices. But price apart, taste and brand is something I really appreciate.


    Linus E 3 Reviews

    3 years ago

    I've been using my Mahabis for over 2 years, and I love them. I'm only using them at home (indoors) during the half of the year when it's cold. I have quite the issue with foot odor, but my Mahabis does not smell bad at all. The wear after 2 years is minuscule. I have the Mahabis Classics, with gray shoe soles. The fit is great, they keep my feet warm when I need it. I'm surprised by how good they have held up. Even the print on the innersoles is intact. My new Nike shoes do not have an inkling of inner sole prints left after just 1 week of use. They are simple and elegant.


    One thing that has started to happen, is that the wool is starting to get a bit frothy or nippy. I guess this is to be expected after some time. I also think I could use one of them cloth cleaners to clear some of that nippy wool. Another thing I did not consider when buying the Mahabis is that they are quite thick with the sole, I had expected them to be a lot slimmer, closer to the ground. And the shoe is also quite narrow, so if you have wide feet, they might not be the best indoor shoes for you.


    Linus E 3 Reviews

    3 years ago

    I've been using the CDLP long-johns for a little over a year. As with many garments that you are using often, they wear. In the beginning, the feeling was great, but they kind of lost their elasticity and luxurious feel after a while. This is probably true about a lot of brands in this category, but it just felt that with a premium price, I expected slightly higher quality. Comes in a nice package, the fit is very good, I would def argue some of the comments from around the internet, like “The best men’s underwear in the world”—Vogue It's good, but not that good.


    From my personal experience, and I'm not sure if this was because I got a random production run or not, but the quality could improve. Don't expect these to last for a very long time.